Earth Observation Australia Inc Awards 2022
The inaugural Earth Observation Australia Inc Awards were presented in 2022.
The Awards were an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the individuals and organisations that are building the Australian Earth observation community and its capabilities.
In this first year of the Awards, three award categories were considered by our experienced and diverse judging panel drawn from the EOA membership.
You can learn more about each of our awardees by clicking on their names below.
Alex Held (L) and Barbara Harrison
Significant Contribution to the Development of the Australian Earth Observation Community and its Capabilities
Awarded to an individual who has made significant and sustained contribution to activities that have developed the Australian EO community and/or its capabilities. This contribution may be in any aspect of Earth observation such as organisation leadership, research activities, education.
Awarded to: Andre (Alex) Held - CSIRO
Highly commended: Barbara Harrison - Digital Concepts
Robbi Bishop-Taylor (L) and Caitlin Adams
Early-Career Contribution to the Development of the Australian Earth Observation Community and its Capabilities
Awarded to an individual, who has worked in Earth observation for 5 years or less, for contributions that have developed, or have a significant potential to produce activities that will develop, the Australian Earth observation community and/or its capabilities. The winner shows significant potential for future excellence and leadership.
Awarded to: Caitlin Adams - FrontierSI
Highly commended: Robbi Bishop-Taylor - Geoscience Australia
The UNE Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre team
Innovation in Earth Observation Made by a Group, Company, or Organisation
Awarded for innovation in Earth observation by a group, company, or organisation for a project, product, initiative, or activity conducted within the past 2 years that has made a significant contribution to the Australian Earth observation community and/or its capabilities.
Awarded to: UNE Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre
For more information about the Earth Observation Australia Awards contact communications@eoa.org.au