Reports and plans
ACIL Allen for the Geospatial Council of Australia (October 2024). Economic Impact of Geospatial Services in Australia
CSIRO and Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology (August 2024). AquaSat-1 feasibility study report: Toward actionable information on water quality and aquatic ecosystems from space
World Economic Forum in collaboration with Deloitte (May 2024). Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation - Insight Report
ACIL Allen for the Geospatial Council of Australia (May 2024). The Economic Impact of Geospatial Services in Australia, Preliminary Findings.
Australian Centre for Space Governance (April 2024). Trust in Earth Observation data: Dependencies, Risks and Opportunities for Australia
Symbios, The University of Queensland, & Earth Observation Australia Inc (March 2024). Continuity of Earth Observation Data for Australia: Risks.
Australian Centre for Space Governance (December 2023). Looking Up from Down Under: Australian attitudes to national space activities
SmartSat CRC Ltd (August 2023). Unlocking Queensland's Potential Through Earth Observation, SmartSat, Adelaide, Australia
CSIRO and SmartSat CRC Ltd (August 2023). AquaWatch Australia Science, Technology and Implementation Roadmap (August 2023).
2022 Annual Report of the Airborne Science Program (May 2023). Explore Science Mission Directorate Airborne Science Program 2022 Annual Report
2030 Space + Spatial Roadmap Steering Committee (March 2023). 2030 Space+Spatial Industry Growth Roadmap Executive Version
Earth Observation Australia Inc (February 2023). Advancing Earth Observation Forum 2022 Convenor’s Report
UNSW Canberra (November 2022). OzFuel Phase A Study Report - Space-based Australian Forest Fuel Flammability Monitoring
FrontierSI (October 2022). Digital Earth Australia and the Urban Planning Sector - Planning to Benefit from Earth Observation
Symbios, Frontier SI, and Assimila (June 2022). UK-Australia Cal-Val Space Bridge Final Report
The Space, Spatial & Surveying Diversity Leadership Network (June 2022). Inclusion@Work Index - Mapping the State of Inclusion in the Space, Spatial and Surveying Industries
Australian Academy of Science (2022). Australia in Space: a decadal plan for Australian space science 2021–2030
Deloitte Space (2021). Building the Space Nation Issue 1
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Innovation, Science and Resources (2021). The Now Frontier: Developing Australia's Space Industry
Australian Space Agency, Geoscience Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, and CSIRO (2021). Advancing Space | Earth Observation from Space | Roadmap 2021-2030
Australian National Concurrent Design Facility (2021). Pre-Phase A Study for the Australian Development of a Satellite Cross-Calibration Radiometer (SCR) Series Including Potential to Support Partner Land Imaging Programs
Report commissioned by Geoscience Australia in consultation with the Australian Space Agency, Bureau of Meteorology, and CSIRO (2021). Establishing Australia as a Global Leader in Delivering Quality Assured Satellite Earth Observation Data
Deloitte Access Economics for Geoscience Australia (2021). Economic study into an Australian continuous launch small satellite program for Earth observation
SmartSat CRC Technical Report No. 5 (2021). Space Industry Skills Gap Analysis
Australian Space Agency (2020). Report on the role of space based Earth observations to support planning, response and recovery for bushfires
Australian Space Agency (2019). Australian Civil Space Strategy.
CSIRO (2019) Establishment of an Earth Observation Platform to Support Pacific Island Nations Environmental, Climate and Livelihood Needs - Consultation Workshop - Final Report. Authors: Andrew Steven, George Dyke, Lauren Hardiman, Alex Held, Deanna Hutchinson, Flora Kerblat, Neil Sims, Luke Smith, Jennifer Zhu.
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (2019) ‘Current and future value of earth and marine observing to the Asia-Pacific region’.
Australian National University (2018) Earth observation for water-related applications. Workshop summary and recommendations, 28 March, Canberra. Also see web page.
Australian National University (2018) Environmental-economic accounts with Earth observation data. Fenner Synthesis workshop report, 10-11 May, Canberra. Also see web page.
ACIL Allen Consulting (2015). The Value of Earth Observations from Space to Australia.
Symbios Communications (2015). Risks of Data Supply of Earth Observations from Space for Australia.
Australian-Government (2014). The State of Space Report: Australian Government Space Coordination Committee 2014.
CRCSI (2014). Australian Strategic Plan for GNSS. Canberra.
CRCSI (2013). Australia and SAR: A Road Map. Canberra.
CRCSI and CTG Consulting (2012). Robust Imaging from Space - Satellite SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). Canberra.
CSIRO (2012). Continuity of Earth Observation Data for Australia: Research and Development Dependencies to 2020 (2012, CEODA-R&D) G. Australia. Canberra.
Geoscience Australia (2011). Continuity of Earth Observation Data for Australia: Operational Requirements to 2015 for Lands, Coasts and Oceans (CEODA-Ops) Canberra.
AAS and AATSE (2009). An Australian Strategic Plan for Earth Observation from Space. Canberra.
AAS and AATSE (2009). Decadal Plan for Australian Space Science 2010-2019. Canberra.
Australian-Government (2008). Lost in Space? Setting a new direction for Australia's space science and industry sector. Senate Standing Committee on Economics Report. Canberra.
ACIL (2008). The Value of Spatial Information: The impact of modern spatial information technologies on the Australian economy. CRC Spatial Information, ANZLIC- The Spatial Information Council. Melbourne, Australia: 171.