Earth Observation Textbooks
Earth Observation: Data, Processing and Applications is an Australian Earth Observation (EO) community undertaking to describe EO data, processing and applications in an Australian context and includes a wide range of local case studies to demonstrate Australia’s increasing usage of EO data.
This series will be published across three volumes and aims to consolidate EO teaching resources in Australia and encourage a greater number of tertiary courses involving EO in Australia.
The publication of this work has been jointly sponsored by the following organisations:
Volume 1: Data
Volume 1 introduces sources, characteristics, uses and limitations of EO data. Several introductory sections also provide an overview of relevant information from physics, geography and ecology.
Volume 1
Volume 1 - Introduction provides an overview of this volume (updated January 2022).
Volume 1A
Volume 1A - Basics and Acquisition introduces the scientific foundations of EO and describes the basics of data acquisition in terms of energy sources, platforms and sensors (updated August 2021).
Volume 1B
Volume 1B - Image Interpretation details image characteristics, EMR interactions, and image interpretation and usage (updated April 2018).
Volume 1X
Volume 1X - Appendices collates relevant data sources and provide further information on photographic products and reflectance measurement (updated April 2018).
Volume 2: Processing
Volume 2 describes various processing options involved with image representation, analysis, transformation, integration, classification and modelling, including details of relevant algorithms, with emphasis on their underlying mathematical and statistical principles.
Volume 2
Volume 2 - Introduction provides an overview of this volume (updated January 2022).
Volume 2A
Volume 2A - Basic Image Operations introduces EO image formats and details basic processing operations (updated April 2018).
Volume 2B
Volume 2B - Image Rectification describes concepts and processes for correcting EO image geometry (updated September 2019).
Volume 2C
Volume 2C - Image Transformations details a range of image transformations commonly used with EO imagery (released September 2019).
Volume 2D
Volume 2D - Image Integration considers methods that integrate EO imagery with other spatial datasets (released April 2020).
Volume 2E
Volume 2E - Image Classification and Analysis provides extensive background information for classifying EO images (availability to be advised).
Volume 2X
Volume 2X - Appendices details underlying mathematics for a range of models relevant to EO image processing (released September 2019).
Volume 3: Applications
Volume 3 introduces the Australian environment in terms of geography, climate, biota, and resource management, then covers a broad range of application areas reliant on EO data. Specific case studies are included to demonstrate individual applications. Volume 3 comprises two initial sub-volumes:
volume 3
Volume 3 - Introduction provides an overview of this volume (updated January 2022).
Volume 3A - Terrestrial Vegetation details the use of EO methods to map, monitor and model vegetation growing on land (released July 2021).
Volume 3B - Surface Waters introduces EO principles and methods for understanding and monitoring our surface water resources (updated January 2022).