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Whole of Community Meeting

Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart AEST (UTC +10) 11:00am
Adelaide, Darwin ACST (UTC +9:30) 10:30am
Perth AWST (UTC +8) 9:00am

Via Zoom

Hosted by Graciela Matternicht, University of New South Wales

For this meeting there will be short updates on Australian earth observation activities from industry, government and research sectors. We will also hear updates from the EOA steering committee and progress with the AEO Forum 2020, followed by a moderated interactive session on mapping vegetation structure with EO data and a panel discussion.

We look forward to seeing you there!


  • Welcome and aims for the webinar

  • Industry profile: Eddie Kato and Nick Karangelen (Trident)

  • Current status and engagement:

    • GEO Week 2019 (Joe Andrews, Australian Space Agency)

    • NCRIS (Stuart Phinn, University of Queensland)

    • SIBA update

  • EOA updates:

    • EOA steering committee and plans (Sylvia Michael, EOA Deputy Chair)

    • AEO Forum 2020 (Renee Bartolo, Department of Environment and Energy)

  • Interactive session:

    • Mapping vegetation structure with earth observation data (Adrian Fisher, Joint Remote Sensing Research Program)

    • Panel discussion: Adrian Fisher, Marta Yebra and others

  • Meeting close.

if you have any items of note to include in the agenda please email details to

Join the meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
(see connectivity details below)

Registration is not required for this webinar

Meeting Connectivity Options

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (Australia Toll): +61280152088,564517766#

Or Telephone:

  • Dial: +61 2 8015 2088

  • Meeting ID: 564 517 766

  • International numbers available:

Or a H.323/SIP room system:

  • Dial:

  • or H323:564517766@ (From Cisco)

  • or H323: (From Huawei, LifeSize, Polycom)

  • or or (U.S.)

  • Meeting ID: 564517766

Or Skype for Business (Lync):

13 June

Whole of Community Meeting

24 September

Webinar: accessing and using the Copernicus Australasia Data Hub