Sentinel-2A MSI acquired on 25 March 2017 over the Lucinda Jetty Coastal Observatory. Image credit: ESA/EUMETSAT.
Curtin University
Charles Darwin University.
Migration of the MERIS FUB coastal water processor to Sentinel-3 OLCI (2019)
An evaluation of Sentinel 3 OLCI level 2 radiometry in Australian coastal & continental waters (2018)
Evaluation of sentinel-3 OLCI level 2 products in Australian waters (2017)
Australian Sentinel-3 Validation Team for Ocean Colour (S3VT-OC)
The objective of the S3VT-OC team is to support validation and vicarious calibration of Sentinel-3 Level 2 and 3 products in the Australian region. They do this by providing comprehensive ground observations of atmospheric and in-water optical measurements close to the satellite overpasses.
In detail, optical and biogeochemical measurements are being performed from fixed platforms, validation floats, moorings as well as from research vessels during dedicated field campaigns. Further, the team contributes to the development of sophisticated inversion algorithms for implementation into the Sentinel-3 toolbox led by Brockmann Consult.
The team
The team has many years of experience in Cal/Val related work and round robin laboratory and algorithm inter-comparison experiments. Team members were previously involved in activities such as the MERIS Quality Working Group and Validation Team, the ESA CoastColour and BelColour-1, 2 projects, the HyspIRI Science Team as well as in the NASA SeaHARRE HPLC round robin exercises. Both organizations perform full in-house processing of all MODIS data for the Australian continent and surrounding oceans and prepare for a transition to VIIRS and Sentinel-3.
Dr Thomas Schroeder, CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere Aquatic Remote Sensing.
Work plan
Sentinel-3 Scientific Validation Team Implementation Plan
(See pages 60-65 for work plan specific to S3VT-OC).