Accessing AusCover Data Webinar
Presented by Peter Scarth
Joint Remote Sensing Research Program
Thursday, 21 July 2016
This webinar will give several examples using direct access using opendap on thredds and gdal/rasterio on thredds and http where you'll be able to query and directly interact with Landsat, MODIS and Himawari datasets in both iPython notebooks and in GIS packages. By the end of the webinar, you’ll be able to discover some of the many data sets openly available on the NCI and query them using web services.
For these examples I'll be using a Jupyter Notebook with code in Python.
- The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text and has support for over 40 programming languages, including Python, R, Julia and Scala.
- If you've never used Jupyter Notebooks before, I highly recommend installing Anaconda.
- As an aside, many of the packages used by JRSRP and partners, such as RIOS, RSGISLIB and PyLidar can be installed into this environment from the OSGEO Conda index.
This notebook will outline some simple online interaction with some of the JRSRP Landsat seasonal mosaics. We'll treat the data hosted on as files and use the RasterIO package to interact with the data and undertake some typical remote sensing tasks. Finally we'll build a simple example to extract and analyse a time series of imagery across an agricultural research property in the Burdekin (from ~5 TB of raster data hosted online).
Then we'll look at how you'd access some of the GA Landsat data produced out of the AGDC and hosted on the NCI using the OPeNDAP protocol via THREDDS. Link to Hosted Notebook.
Finally we'll check out a pretty cool notebook that uses the NCI THREDDS Data Server and queries the CSIRO Auscover MODIS data sets to extract a time series of imagery. Link to hosted Notebook.
You will find all instructions and code at
Recording contains audio and visual [.flv file 70 MB]