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Earth Observation Research Infrastructure: Information Gathering to Inform the National Research Infrastructure Investment Plan - 2017
The group preparing the submission to the Commonwealth Government on 28 August 2017 for Earth Observation Research Infrastructure - to inform development of the National Research Infrastructure Investment Plan - 2017 is open to receiving comments and suggestions from the broader EO and other communities in Australia, up until 17:00, 21 August 2017.
Some of you and your organisations are involved in the formal process, but we want to make sure we cover as much of the community as possible. We are interested in details from three areas:
- Current research infrastructure you own and operate for earth observation/remote sensing research activities;
- Current operational infrastructure (e.g. Government and industry) you use for earth observation/remote sensing research activities; and
- Your projected needs for earth observation research infrastructure in 2022 and 2027.
Responses due 17:00, Wednesday, 16 August 2017
A summary of responses will be posted to this website by 30 August 2017.
Update on the EO research infrastructure submission!
Items broadly considered as earth observation research infrastructure are:
- Satellite data - purchased for research
- Airborne or drone data - purchased for research
- Satellite - platforms/instruments/sensors
- Satellite - platforms/instruments/sensors calibration and validation
- Airborne - platforms/instruments/sensors
- Airborne - platforms/instruments/sensors calibration and validation
- Atmospheric - instruments/sensors
- Atmospheric - instruments/sensors calibration and validation
- Terrestrial surface - instruments/sensors
- Terrestrial surface - instruments/sensors calibration and validation
- Terrestrial sub-surface - instruments/sensors
- Terrestrial sub-surface - instruments/sensors calibration and validation
- Aquatic - instruments/sensors
- Aquatic - instruments/sensors calibration and validation
- Data stores, compute and distribution infrastructure for EO data and product and service development and delivery